新闻 & 事件






7:30 p.m. 春节艺术节, 沃纳百年纪念中心
所有学生必须预约学校(考试着装). 邀请家长参加.


2 p.m. 春季颁奖典礼, 毕业典礼的草坪
所有学生需预约上课时间(教室着装). 邀请家庭参加. 访问 西敏寺住 观看直播.
7 p.m. 学士学位的服务, 安德鲁斯纪念教堂
所有六年级学生必须预约学校. 欢迎六年级家长参加. 即将退休的81届教员南希·厄纳·贝里, P ’11, 16号将在仪式期间担任学院发言人. 访问 西敏寺住 观看直播.
7:45 p.m. 草坪仪式, 六年级草坪
Required school appointment for all Sixth Form and Fifth Form students (classroom dress). 邀请五年级和六年级的家庭参加. 访问 西敏寺住 观看直播.
8:30 p.m.
六年级接收线, 六年级草坪
五、六年级家长茶点, 凯斯天井,库欣大厅
10 p.m. 寄宿生在楼道报到,走读生离校


8 a.m.
献上六年级鲜花、毕业典礼彩排及全家福, 凯斯门廊
所有六年级学生必须预约学校 (commencement dress). Families and graduates are invited to take photos with a professional photographer before or after 毕业典礼 rehearsal.
9:30 a.m.
六年级班级照片, 库欣大厅
10 a.m.
毕业典礼, 毕业典礼的草坪
所有学生必须预约学校. 访问 西敏寺住 观看直播. 毕业典礼后,摄影师将提供家庭照片.
提供自助午餐, 阿姆斯特朗食堂
1 p.m. 六年级学生年终离校


在威斯敏斯特大学工作了41年之后, 斯科特·史蒂文斯,P ' 07, ’09, ’12 will have the honor of delivering the commencement address for the Class of 2024.

斯科特于1983年来到校园, 刚从大学毕业, 教英语,执教曲棍球和长曲棍球. His dedication and commitment to the school continued to flourish after he and his wife, 艾米, 在威斯敏斯特结婚并开始了共同的生活. 他们在山上养大了三个孩子, 米德尔伯里学院的毕业生; Abby ’09, a graduate of the University of Vermont; and Will ’12, 米德尔伯里学院的毕业生. 他们还有两个孙子,乔治和沃尔特.

在威斯敏斯特任职期间, Scott served in several key positions outside the classroom beginning in 2002 as the director of development and as the assistant headmaster of development for what is now the advancement office. 在后一个角色中, 他是威斯敏斯特的大使和筹款人, 在校友之间建立许多关系, 父母和朋友. In 2015, he returned to the classroom where he has taught English to Third Formers and Sixth Formers and delighted in observing their progress and insights. When the girls’ varsity golf program started in 2015, he gladly stepped up to coach the team. He has served as dean of students and director of residential life and has been an advisor to countless students. In 1999, 他是奥布莱恩奖的获得者, in recognition of his personal commitment toward nurturing and supporting students.

斯科特毕业于霍奇基斯学校,成绩为B.A. 从佛蒙特大学获得英语硕士学位.A. 米德尔伯里学院, 他和他妻子在哪里, 艾米, 在米德尔伯里大学的面包面包英语学校完成了为期五年的课程. In 2018, Scott was awarded a sabbatical year allowing the couple to pursue their passion for travel, 包括到东南亚旅游吗. 

Scott and 艾米 plan to reside nearby in Simsbury, where they have many ties to the community. 当他退休的时候, Scott will continue working as a consultant to independent school administrators, using his decades of experience and knowledge to prepare a whole new generation of educators.



  • 谁可以参加毕业典礼?

  • 客人应该把车停在哪里??

    客人将被引导到armor学术中心后面的停车场. 毕业典礼周末期间,请勿在六年级草坪附近停车. 
  • 毕业典礼有预留座位吗?

    Graduates and special guests will have seats reserved at the front of the tent. Seating for families and other guests is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Families or students who wish to hold seats may place a placard on individual seats beginning at 7 a.m. 在周六. 任何在早上7点前放置的标语牌.m. 将被移除.
  • 我们可以住在哪里?? 星期五晚上我们在哪里吃晚饭?

    点击这里 查看该地区酒店和餐馆的列表. 提前预定晚餐,并计划在晚上7点前回到校园.m. 草坪仪式.
  • 星期六我们在哪里吃午饭?

    毕业典礼后, 欢迎大家在阿姆斯壮餐厅享用自助午餐.
  • 每个学生都要拍照吗?

    Highpoint Pictures will be taking candid and formal photos throughout Saturday morning. A professional photographer will take a photo as the diploma is handed to the student and after the student leaves the stage. Guests are encouraged to request a family photo from a photographer before or after the 毕业典礼 Ceremony. An email from Highpoint Pictures will be sent to Sixth Form parents about two weeks after 毕业典礼, 当照片准备好被审查和购买时.
  • 赛事会进行直播吗? 

    The Awards Ceremony, 学士学位的服务 and 草坪仪式 on Friday will be livestreamed. 毕业典礼将于周六上午进行直播. 所有的直播都可以访问 在活动当天. 
  • 学校能容纳行动不便的客人吗?

    Guests with mobility issues should be dropped off at the entrance to Armour 学术中心. Golf carts will be available for guests who need assistance getting to the 草坪仪式 on Friday evening or the tent on 毕业典礼的草坪. 请与校长行政助理Kerry Masiero联系 或拨打860-408-3012以解决任何其他问题. 我们将尽一切努力满足你们的要求.
  • 六年级学生什么时候出发?

    六年级学生下午1点离校.m. 毕业典礼后. Families can pack up before 毕业典礼, or immediately following the event.
  • 毕业典礼上允许宠物进入校园吗?

    而服务性动物在校园里是受欢迎的, we request that non-service animals not be brought to campus for 毕业典礼 Weekend.


隆重庆祝2024届毕业生. 下面是一些精选的商标, graphics and printer-friendly signs so families can decorate their homes with pride. 单击要下载的图形. Each graphic will open in a new window and allow you to download a pdf of that graphic.



P. (860) 408-3000
F. (860) 408 3001
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